Thursday 21 November 2013

A Silent Invader Called-Bathroom Mold

Superior Cleaning & Restoration Inc. is a full service cleaning and restoration company, with over 20 years of experience in residential / commercial cleaning and Water Damage Restoration.

All of us like our bathrooms-squeaky clean, shiny, and free from germs. But, a silent invader called mold may make your bathroom look dirty and unhygienic. However, there are a few quick, cheap and effective tips you can use to help get rid of mold in your bathroom, say experts in tiles and grout cleaning Murrieta

  •    To effectively scrub the mold away, treat the grout between tiles and the caulking with a paste made of water and baking soda. Leave on for as long as you need to—for example, very dirty grout can use an hour or two. Spray the tiles with water and use a scrub brush to clean the grout with a brisk back and forth motion. Rinse well and buff dry. 
  • When you have finished showering, turn on a fan or open a window until the humidity from your shower has dissipated. 
  •   To doubly protect your bathroom, keep a spray bottle nearby and quickly mist the tiles and caulking after your shower with an anti-mold solution per theadviceof experts in tile and grout cleaning Encinitas.
  •    Use a squeegee, towel or cloth to dry all tiles after they get wet. Make sure you have a bathroom fan or window that can suck the excess moisture out of the air.
  •    To remove mold or mildew, make a paste with a small amount of water and apply it directly to the affected areas. Allow it to sit for 30 minutes. Scrub the grout with a tooth brush, and then rinse and dry it.
  •    A penetrating sealer is important for bathroom grout, because it is absorbed into the grout's pores and protects it from mold and mildew.
This useful information was brought to you by- Superior Cleaning & Restoration Inc. For more such useful information on tile and grout care or to talk to the experts in tile and Grout Cleaning San Diego, please visit-

Things You Should Protect Your Carpet From

Superior Cleaning & Restoration Inc. is a full service cleaning and restoration company, with over 20 years experience in residential / commercial cleaning and Water Damage Restoration.

So, you have found a beautiful carpet for your house and you wish you could use it for years and years. You hope you have found the perfect carpet and the amount of money you may have paid will convince you to take great care of the carpet. Did you know there are certain things that cause damage to your carpet?According to Superior Cleaning & Restoration Inc., a company that does professional carpet cleaning in Encinitas, the good news is that there are certain ways by which you can protect your carpets from getting damaged. Let’s take a look.

Texture retention when your house has lot of foot traffic

Heavy traffic areas can cause a lot of wear on your carpets. You can try to reduce the amount of direct traffic on your carpets by placing an area rug on top of the carpet.


If you have purchased a nice fluffy carpet, after a few months you will see that the carpet may be becoming flattened. According to Superior Cleaning and Restoration’s experts in carpet cleaning San Diego, a great way to avoid this is by investing in coasters for the furniture. You place the lightweight coasters on the bottom of the furniture, this prevents hard core depressions. Another way would be to rearrange your furniture every week by moving it just slightly.

Odor and soiling

It can be really hard work to keep your carpets clean all the time. If you want to have a nice clean carpet, one thing that you can suggest is that you do not wear shoes on the carpet. You will be surprised how much longer carpet will last without shoes being worn.

Keeping your carpet new for a long time is not a difficult task. All you need is a little care and a good cleaning expert like Superior Cleaning & Restoration Inc’s expert Carpet Cleaning in Oceanside and other areas.

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